Discover the ease and security of setting up the CopyWithFriend tool.

Dive into a seamless experience where simplicity meets functionality.

What is CopyWithFriends?

Install the CopyWithFriend tool and start sharing your first content easily.


CopyWithFriend is a robust tool developed with Go, designed to streamline content(e.g. logfiles, commands, ...) sharing. It allows users to create text files and save them on a server, making them accessible to other users.
This facilitates seamless collaboration, as all participants can view and modify the shared files, enhancing productivity and speeding up project timelines.

It can be run local or on a server, so nobody needs to set things up like port forwarding on their local machine.

Coming next

Looking forward, we are excited to expand CopyWithFriend with new features to make the communication more secure.
As of now we do not recommend sending sensitive data! Although the transport can be handled via HTTPS, the files on the server are just base64 encoded and can be accessed via the given endpoints from any IP.


  • xmore secure content (communication via TLS)

Installation Instructions


brew install iculturebud/tap/cwf


AUR Package is comming soon!

Example Config

motherShipPort: 8787
motherShipSSL: true <-- can be omitted - default is false

Commands List

Send content to server and save it in a single file.

echo "Hello Clipboard!" | cwf testfile Output:
Saved to: testfile

Get content of a saved file from server.

cwf testfile Output:
Hello Clipboard!

Send content to server and save file in a subdirectory.

echo "Hello Clipboard from subdirectory!" | cwf testdir/testfile Output:
Saved to: testdir/testfile

Get content of a saved file in a subdirectory from server.

cwf testdir/testerfile Output:
Hello Clipboard from subdirectory!

Delete single file

cwf -d testerfile Output:
Deleted file: testerfile

Delete single file in subdirectory

cwf -d testdir/testfile Output:
Deleted file: testfile

Delete all files in subdirectory

cwf -d testdir/ Output:
Deleted directory: testdir

List files and directories in configured base directory.

cwf -l Output:
Type Name Modified
Dir testdir 2006-01-02 15:04:05
File testfile.cwf 2006-01-02 15:04:05

List files and directories in a subdirectory.

cwf -l testdir Output:
Type Name Modified
File testfile.cwf 2006-01-02 15:04:05